by William Shakespeare
directed by Christopher Johnson
at The Viaduct
October 27 – December 16, 2000

“The whole production has the rough, raw air of a medieval mystery play, charged with violence and spiritualism.”

Chicago Tribune

“If Shakespeare were this exciting in school, he’d be bigger than Harry Potter.”

Chicago Free Press

“If there’s one word to describe Defiant Theatre’s Macbeth, it’s “Wow!”

Lerner Booster

We liked the classics. We just hated the way most people suck the blood out of the Bard.

We delivered a Macbeth that didn’t soft-pedal the greed, the terror, or the grief. We told a tale in unbelievable images and fantastic words, a vision that made the metaphysical physical. And we proved that what Shakespeare wrote is still shocking today.

So when something wicked this way comes, well, we’ll take it as a compliment.




The Dark Ages


(in order of appearance)

Lady Gruoch Macbeth, wife to Macbeth, later Queen of Scots … Krissy Shields

Macbeth mac Findlaech, Thane of Glamis, later Thane of Cawdor, afterward King of Scotland … Christopher Thometz

Banquo, Thane of Lochaber … Geoff Coates

Rosse, Thane of Rosse … David Skvarla

Lenox, Thane of Lenox … Michael Mazzara

Angus, Thane of Angus … Ryan Oliver

King Sweno, of Norway … Steve Welsh

Soldiers, of Norway … Jennifer Gehr
Sam Muñoz
Richard Ragsdale
Lisa Rothschiller
Sean Sinitski

Macdonwald, a Captain of the rebellion … Ted Lesley

The Weyward Sisters, three Witches … Heather L. Tyler
Cherise Silvestri
Stefanie Neuhauser

Malcome Canmore, son to Duncan, later Prince of Cumberland, afterward King of Scotland … Jim Slonina

Attendant, to Duncan, afterward, Murderer … Aaron Boucher

Attendant, to Duncan, afterward, Murderer … Sam Muñoz

King Duncan I mac Crinan, of Scotland … Will Schutz

Donalbaine, son to Duncan … Justin Fletcher

Gentlewoman, to Lady Macbeth … Stefanie Neuhauser

Porter, to Macbeth … Steve Welsh

Fleance, son to Banquo … Cherise Silvestri

Seyton, Grand General of the Infernal Hierarchy … Richard Ragsdale

Demons, denizens of the inferno … Aaron Boucher
Ted Lesley
Kevin James Murphy
Neal Simons
Heather L. Tyler

Macduff, Thane of Fife … Sean Sinitski

Old Woman, a healer … Jennifer Gehr

Cathnes, Thane of Cathnes … Kevin James Murphy

Familiars, to the Weyward Sisters … Richard Ragsdale
Will Schutz
Jim Slonina

Hecat Enodia, a decayed Titan … Aaron Boucher
Justin Fletcher
Sean Sinitski

An Armed Head, an apparition … Jim Slonina
Matthew Callahan

A Bloody Childe, an apparition … Richard Ragsdale
Christopher Johnson

A Childe Crowned, an apparition … Neal Simons
Sean Sinitski
B.L.Z. Bub

A Show of Seven Kings, of Scotland … Aaron Boucher
Sam Muñoz
Kevin James Murphy
Ted Lesley
Steve Welsh
Justin Fletcher
Ryan Oliver
Geoff Coates

Son, to Macduff … Neal Simons

Lady Macduff, wife to Macduff … Lisa Rothschiller

Monk, a Benedictine … Steve Welsh

Belial, a King of the Infernal Hierarchy … Ted Lesley

Seyward Dirga, Earl of Northumbria … Ted Lesley

Soldiers, of England … Justin Fletcher
Jennifer Gehr
Steve Welsh

Production Team

Stage Manager … Joy C. Ronstadt

Assistant Director … Jim Slonina

Scenic Designer … Martin McClendon

Lighting Designer … B. Emil Boulos

Costume Designer … Michelle Lynette Bush

Sound Designers/Original Music … Brian and Matthew Callahan

Puppet Designers … Andrew Leman
Cynthia Orthal

Fight Choreographer … Robin McFarquhar

Witch Choreographer … Julia Neary

Properties … Christopher Johnson
Michelle Caplan
Carl Wisneiwski

Technical Director … David J. Ranta

Costume Assistant … Cybele Moon

Fight Captain/Assistant Fight Choreographer … Geoff Coates

Armorer … David Skvarla

Master Electrician … Rachel Decker

Sound Board Operator … Bryan Pray

Construction Crew … Anthony Gaudio
Christopher Taylor Ranta
and lots of others

Lighting Crew … Richy Norwood
Chauncy Copeland
Andrew Glasenhardt
Helen David
Gina Ann Cirolia
and many more

Stitcher … Marcie West

Graphic Designer … Arlo Bryan Guthrie

Documentarian … Christopher Taylor Ranta

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