by Lee Blessing
directed by Justin Fletcher
at The Viaduct
September 14 – October 20, 2001

Joseph Jefferson Citation
Actor in a Supporting Role – Jim Slonina

“Defiant’s well-crafted production is exceptionally well-acted.”

Chicago Tribune

Hamlet had barely shuffled off this mortal coil when things took another ghastly turn at the castle of Elsinore.

The court welcomes Fortinbras as a conquering king, though he thought he was just stopping in to be polite. As the new ruler, he needs to find a suitable public relations slant to explain the recent deaths of the entire royal family. Horatio won’t let go of the truth. Osric turns out to be the ultimate ass kisser. And the ranks of the (returning) dead aren’t much help. Philosopher Polonius won’t speak at all. Queen Gertrude and King Claudius beg to be dug up. And the previously proper Ophelia unleashes her pent-up bad attitude.

Fortinbras was a comedy for those who can finally admit that the original Hamlet was a little too, too much to be believed.


The Castle at Elsinore, Denmark


Immediately following the events of Hamlet



Hamlet, Prince of Denmark … John Sanders

Osric, member of the Danish court … Jim Slonina

Horatio, friend of Hamlet … John Harrell

English Ambassador … Kevin James Murphy

Fortinbras, Prince of Norway … Jason Kae

Captain of the Norwegian Army … Aaron Boucher

Marcellus, a sentinel … Aaron Boucher

Barnardo, a sentinel … Kevin James Murphy

First Maiden … Lisa Rothschiller

Second Maiden … Lara Jo Hightower


Polonius, the Court Councillor … Richard Ragsdale

Ophelia, his daughter … Katherine Ripley

Claudius, King of Denmark … Jethro Nolen

Gertrude, Queen of Denmark … Meredith Siemsen

Laertes, Polonius’s son … Geoff Coates

Production Team

Stage Manager … Katrina Bergstrom

Set Designer … Simon Lashford

Lighting Designer … Troy Fujimura

Costume Designer … Christine E. Pascual

Sound Design/Composition … Matthew Callahan

Video/SFX/Technical Director … Richy Norwood

Fight Choreographer … Geoff Coates

Wig Designer … Pam DeLucia

Makeup Designers … Richard Ragsdale
Sabrina Kramnich

Illuminated Manuscript Designer … Andrew Leman

Poster Designer … B. Emil Boulos

Press Photography … Arlo Bryan Guthrie

Assistant Stage Manager … Lisa Westfall

Sound Board Operator … Colette McHugh

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