written and directed by Joe Foust
at American Theatre Company
December 8, 2001 – January 19, 2002

“Its comic-strip overkill is amusing and invigorating.”

Chicago Tribune

“The Defiant ones have clearly worked their asses off to produce a mind-blowing show.”

Chicago Free Press

The latest Action Movie spin-off launched a booster rocket straight up the butt of every prison drama, adventure flick and other-worldly extravaganza–all at once. The fight choreography defied the laws of gravity. The plot twists defied the laws of logic. As usual, we pulled no punchline. And watch your backside–space prisoners can get a little randy! It was a multiplex-worth of mindless fun, a piece of the impossible, accomplished live. Action Movie had ruled the box office for two summers in a row. Hopefully you weren’t left behind this time.

Let the countdown begin! Four. Three. Two. One. Money shot!

Watch the whole show!


(in order of appearance)

Ki … Arlo Bryan Guthrie

Narrator … Michele DiMaso

Johnny Protagonist … Jim Slonina

Santa … Ryan Oliver

Old Lady … Megan Carr

Cops … Kelly Cooper
Michael Mazzara

Jury Foreman … Geoff Coates

Jury … Kurt Ehrmann
Keith Ellis

Judge … BF Helman

Prisoner … Gregor Mortis

Big Fatty … Keith Fort

Blackman … Derrick Nelson

Wygar B. Sydkik … Danny Belrose

Big Tony … Gregor Mortis

Chief Darcy Bigsmith … Kurt Ehrmann

Armidor “The Carnivore” Rector … Richard Ragsdale

Piers Oswald … Sean Sinitski

Smack Donovan … Samuel Muñoz

Barney Schmelya … Keith Ellis

Harry Taintbath … Ryan Oliver

Tommy Perfectlover … Micah M. Smyth

Unseen Bunkmate … Geoff Coates

Dad … BF Helman

Warden Flattop … Jennifer Gehr

Leonard Grissomer … Kelly Cooper

Commissioner Grissomer … Megan Carr

Old Prisoner … BF Helman

Col. Kip Kipperflip … Michael Mazzara

Guards … Geoff Coates
Kelly Cooper
Michele DiMaso
Gregor Mortis
Ryan Oliver

Understudies … Erin Kathleen Carlson
Kevin James “Big Pimpin'” Murphy
David Skvarla

Production Staff

2nd Unit Director … Sean Graney

Stage Manager … Rachel Shapira

Fight Choreographers … Geoff Coates
Joe Foust

Co-Set Designers … Martin McClendon
Micah M. Smyth

Lighting Designer … Richy Norwood

Audio Sculptor … Gregor Mortis

Special Audio FX … Sean Sinitski

Original Music … Prank

Musical Director … Ali Talis

Prop Designers … Megan Carr
Kelly Cooper
Joe Foust
Arlo Bryan Guthrie
Becky Marshall
Ryan Oliver
Micah M. Smyth

Projection Designer … Arlo Bryan Guthrie

Mechamining Suit Designers … Joe Foust
Patrick Hayes

Alien Designer … Kerry Beth Smith

Armchucks/Big Tony Designer … Jason Herbert

Technical Director … Chris Wooten

Electricians … Leslie Boeckman
Rachel Decker
Colette McHugh

Graphic Design … Harry Bauer (Illustration)
Arlo Bryan Guthrie (Art Direction)

Press Photography … Krissy Shields

Sound Board Operator … Carrie Sullivan

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