by Joan Schenkar
directed by Linda Gillum
at National Pastime Theater
November 3 – December 18, 1999

“A very interesting play with serious intellectual heft… There’s no doubting this troupe’s stellar theatrical chops.”

Chicago Tribune

“The Defiant folks prove once again why they are among the most creative companies currently working in Chicago.”

Windy City Times

Say good-bye to Orleans, Joan of Arc. Say hello to Seattle of the 1950’s. It’s 500 years later, but a girl still can’t wear pants.

A young Joan speaks with saints–Gertrude Stein, Marlene Dietrich, and Emilies Brontë and Dickenson. With their guidance and the help of an arson-loving, tough-girl gang, Joan must vanquish medical science, incestuous brothers, the Salish Indians, and every Boy Scout in Seattle. Luckily, Angelina the Warrior Princess has some scalping tips.

Gallery Plugin

Scenic Design by Martin McClendon

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Seattle, Washington


1958 A.D.


(In order of appearance, more or less)

Dr. George Dark … Kurt Ehrmann

Mrs. Martha Dark … Jane deLaubenfels

Adult Joan … Kristin Goodman

Young Joan … Cherise Silvestri

Doctor … Michael Mazzara

Nurse … Jennifer Gehr

Voice of Diana … Barb Wruck Thometz

The Bonfire Girls
Becky … Lisa Rothschiller
Nancy … Jocelyn Golarz
Cindy … Pat Calwell
Annie … Khrissy Shields
Patty … Stefanie Neuhauser
Jessie … Michele DiMaso
Catherine of New Rochelle … Suzanne Shaw

Mrs. Detwiler … Jennifer Gehr

The Saints
Marlene Dietrich … Kati Brazda
Gertrude Stein … Cynthia Cervini
Emily Brontë … Kate Martin
Emily Dickinson … Lisa Rothschiller

John & John Dark … Jim Slonina
Justin Fletcher

Princess Angeline … Laura Scott Wade

Prince Dwayne … Richard Ragsdale

Salish Warriors … Michael Mazzara
Sean Sinitski
Steve Welsh

Radio Announcer … Sean Sinitski

Gilles de Rais … Christopher Johnson

The Boy Scouts
Billy, the Head Scout … Michael Mazzara
Other Scouts … Jim Slonina
Justin Fletcher
Jennifer Gehr

Mechanic … Jennifer Gehr

Kokens (The folks in all black moving shit) … Jennifer Gehr
Michael Mazzara
Sean Sinitski
Steve Welsh

Understudies … Tiffany Scott
Nicole Mattis

Production Staff

Assistant Director … Barb Wruck Thometz

Stage Manager … Temple Lentz

Dramaturg … Julie Felise Dubiner

Scenic Design … Martin McClendon

Lighting Design … Richy Norwood

Costume Design … Jennifer Keller

Sound Design/Original Music … Brian & Matthew Callahan

Design … A. Bryan Guthrie
Technician … Sean Sinitski
Photography … Khrissy Shields
Cinematography … Susan Muirhead

Properties Design … Brent Carter

Pyrotechnical/Transmogrification Team … Stephen Kruse

Dialect Coach … Jim Johnson

Casting Consultant … Catherine Head

Make-up Artist/Stitcher … Christina Carlson

Stitchers … Rachel Decker
Christine Pascual

Construction Crew … Jonathan Watkins

Sound Board Operator … Vicki Butterworth

Study Guide Editor-in-Chief … Jeff Arena

Press/Poster Photography … Geoffrey Fingerhut

Poster Design … Arlo
Kirk Anderson

Poster Child … Rebecca Rubenstein

Cigarette Girl … Juliet Schaefer

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