by Albert Camus
directed by Richard Ragsdale
at The Griffin Theatre
Opened Monday, July 21, 1997

“Defiant presents plenty of philosophy with fornication.”


The stink of a decaying culture. The vast Roman Empire has but one throat, and Emperor Caligula’s hands are wrapped around it. Yet Caligula’s tight grip is not enough. Only one thing can provide meaning in his world–conquering the moon.

Photos by Richard Norwood

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Behind the Scenes Photos by Amy Wilhoite

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The Setting

Pagan Rome


Caius Caesar Augustus Germanicus; Father of the Country; High Priest of the Gods of Rome; Supreme Tribune of the People; Father of the Armies; Son of the Armies; Holiest of Holies; Best and Greatest of the Caesars; Holder of the Civic Crown; Conqueror of Britain, Germany, and the Eternal Sea (Formerly the Realm of Neptune); Emperor of Rome – called Caligula … Christopher Johnson

Milonia Caesonia, mistress, later wife of Caligula … Linda Gillum

Helicon, a freed slave, manservant to Caligula … Will Schutz

Scipio, a young poet, friend to Caligula … Amy Wilhoite

Cherea, Prefect of the Praetorian Guard … Sean Sinitski

The Old Patrician … Kevin Wade

Longinus, Intendant of the Imperial Palace … A. Bryan Guthrie

The First Patrician … Jennifer Gehr

The Second Patrician … Cherise Silvestri

Mucius, a patrician … Kati Brazda

Lepidus, a knight … A. Bryan Guthrie

Merela, a patrician … Cherise Silvestri

Drusilla, sister to Caligula … Shannon Lipper

The German Guards … Stefanie Caterer
Kati Brazda
Shannon Lipper

The Patricians’ Wives … Stefanie Caterer
Shannon Lipper
Amy Wilhoite

The Poets … Stefanie Caterer
Cherise Silvestri
Will Schutz
A. Bryan Guthrie
Kati Brazda
Shannon Lipper
Jennifer Gehr

Slaves … Cast

Production Team

Co-Producer … Greg Nishimura

Stage Manager … Greer Nesbitt

Assistant Director … Jim Slonina

Dramaturg … Sean Sinitski

Fight Choreographer … Kevin Wade

Set Designer … Stephen Kruse

Scenic Artist/Master Carpenter … Martin McClendon

Costume Designer … Beth Nowak

Lighting Designer … Richy Norwood

Audio Sculptors … Gregor Mortis and Prank

Carpenter … John DeLeonardis

Board Operator … Jim Slonina

Poster Design … A. Bryan Guthrie

Photographers … Jeff Arena
Stephanie Howard
Amy Wilhoite

Front of House … B.F. Helman
Anne McKernan
Lisa Rothschiller

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