by Harold Pinter
directed by Joe Foust (The Dumbwaiter) & Rob Kimmel (Victoria Station)
at Angel Island
Opened October 1994

“Kindles with riveting slowness to a small but triumphant climax.”

Chicago Reader

We were proud to present two classic works by one of Great Britain’s finest playwrights. The Dumb Waiter, a prime example of Pinter’s enigmatic terror and comedy of menace, featured two gunmen in a decayed basement waiting for the kill. Victoria Station, a glimpse at Pinter’s humorous side, was a brutal, over-the-airwaves battle of wills between a cabby and his frustrated dispatcher. These powerful works demonstrated a broad range of Pinter’s unique dramatic skill.

The Dumbwaiter


A basement


The present


Ben … Christopher Thometz

Gus … Ted Lesley

Production Staff

Scenic Designer … Lori Fong

Costume Designer … Kristin Jensen

Lighting Designer … B. Emil Boulos

Sound Designer … Gregor Mortis

Production Stage Manager … Barbara Wruck

Technical Director … Nick Offerman

Asst. Director … Michelle Primeaux

Victoria Station


A cab dispatcher’s office; a cab


The present


Controller … Sean Sinitski

Driver … Richard Ragsdale

Production Staff

Scenic Designer … Richy Norwood

Costume Designer … Kristin Jensen

Lighting Designer … B. Emil Boulos

Sound Designer … Gregor Mortis

Asst. Director … Linda Gillum

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